When I came to at the hospital, memories of everything that had happened flooded my mind. I could hear my heart racing. I looked around the room, monitors displayed an array of informations and colorful alternating lines zapped from one end to another. I was naked, with only an apron to hide my royal goods.

If anybody could do this to me, it was not Aba. She was too disciplined, too good, too careful. She had never hurt anyone of even broken any social rules. We boys at the hostel even named her “Eno Mary” because to them she was blameless. On a sweltering afternoon after watching a heated game between Manchester City and Chelsea, I climbed to Aba’s room 109 and handed her 5000ghc of my bet winnings to keep for me.

It was my first ever after so many failed attempts at betting on games.

I intended to use it to pay for my visa and plane ticket that vacation to go and hustle. My uncle had agreed to give me an invitation if only I could pay for these. I continued to add to the money with Aba and hope to collect it at least a week after exams.

“Eno, whats up? I wanted to come for the money later today. My uncle has sent the invitation letter and I will be going to the embassy to file an application”

“I have something to tell you when you come.”

That fateful afternoon when Aba let me into her room, she was full of tears. Her roommates had gone for a class.

“Is someone dead?” I quizzed.

“No Shuga” I heard her swallow.

I hugged her tightly and hoped that would help.

“Shuga I lost the money.”

I felt her shivering like a leaf. My heart raced and questions run through my mind.

“You remember the double money for gold company that has been advertising all over?”

I invested the money there so it could double and then give back to you so you could have more.

I wanted it to be a surprise.”

I woke up at the hospital.

Aba’s intended surprise for me had surprised both of us.

Money is hard to come by, and while we are always careful with it, some of us have had a fee terrible experiences with saving it or losing it.

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Watch out for our next money story.

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